UPDATED: Buena Park Councilman Jose Castaneda Resigns, Citing “Acute Health Challenges”

By:Matthew Cunningham

Buena Pak Councilman Jose Trinidad Castaneda resigned from the Buena Park City Council on May 23, effective immediately, citing personal health reasons, according to the City of Buena Park.

It is with a heavy heart that I submit my resignation as Council Member for the City of Buena Park, effective immediately,” Castaneda wrote in an e-mail to City Manager Aaron France, City Clerk Adria Jimenez and City Attorney Chris Cardinale.

“After careful consideration and reflection, I have come to the difficult decision to step back from my position at this time in order to address immediate and significant acute health challenges.

I am deeply grateful for the support and trust the community has placed in me, and I hope to continue my public service when my health conditions improve following treatment. It has been an honor to work alongside such dedicated individuals and to contribute to the growth and prosperity of our city. I have full confidence in the continued success of our initiatives as we continue to make Buena Park a Better Place to Live, Work, Learn, and Play.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. After demonstrating an unprecedented track record of successful policies, programs, and procedural improvements at the City in my first year and half since being elected, I look forward to the earliest opportunity to serve the great City of Buena Park again.”

Castaneda was elected in November of 2022, after moving to Buena Park from Fullerton in mid-2021. He had ben a Fullerton Planning Commissioner and ran for Fullerton City Council in 2018 but did not qualify for the ballot.

He represented Buena Park on the Orange County Power Authority Board of Directors until the City Council replaced him with Mayor Pro Tem Susan Sonne.

READ: Buena Park Removes Councilman Jose Castaneda From OC Power Authority Board

Last July, Castaneda took a leave of absence from his council duties for several weeks “to address health matters.”

READ: Buena Park Councilman Takes Unusual “Leave Of Absence” From Council Duties

The Buena Park City Council webpage lists the District 2 seat as vacant, but the agenda for tonight’s council meting makes no specific mention of Castaneda’s resignation.

The City Council has the option of filling the vacancy by appointment or special election; council’s typically choose the former for cost reasons. The council will have 60 days to make an appointment, and whomever was appointed would have the option of running in November 2024 for the balance of Castaneda’s term, which runs until December of 2026.

If they’re unable to agree on an appointment within that 60-day time frame, it will force a special election, which would be consolidated with the November 2024 general election.

Either way, District 2 will be on the November ballot.

However, Castaneda told the OC Register he has not ruled out running for the now-vacant District 2 seat in November.

“I still have plenty of unfinished city business to see through and complete,” Castañeda told the Register. “I would hope for the privilege of earning District 2 voters’ trust and confidence to finish out my term either this November or at a later time following my health recovery.”


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