September 6 Twilight Fitness Hike In Limestone Canyon
Limestone Canyon is a natural treasure in Orange County's backyard. Discover it for yourself this Friday afternoon, September 6, on a fast-paced 5.5-mile fitness hike....
Will O’Neill: Newsom Is Gaslighting Us On Oil Prices
Philosophy asks: “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Sacramento is currently...
Opinion: Larry Agran Needs To Come Clean
Irvine is gearing up for a riveting mayoral race, featuring a choice between long-time political veteran Larry Agran, who is famously reusing yard signs from...
Editorial: La Habra Mayor Daren Nigsarian Is Misleading Voters On Measure V Sales Tax Hike
Staying abreast of the stream of untruths and distortions emanating from La Habra Mayor Daren Nigsarian in challenging.  As OC Independent has previously written, Nigsarian...
SAUSD Ethnic Studies Consultant Shares Social Media Post Lauding October 7 Hamas Massacre
The radical Ethnic Studies activist whom the Santa Ana Unified School District has been paying to train district educators last year shared a social media...
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The OC Independent is dedicated to providing factual, informative reporting on Orange County government, politics, education and quality of life issues such as homelessness and access to housing. We seek to illuminate aspects of issues, movements and trends that receive little or no attention from more established, mainstream outlets. Our editorial philosophy is grounded in the principles of the American Founding: limited government, federalism, the separation of powers and equality before the law as indispensable to securing our liberties. The opinions and stances articulated in OC Independent editorials flow from those principles, and are grounded in facts.