Santa Ana: Parent Org Of VietRise, ChispaOC, Wants An “End To Policing”
VietRise and ChispaOC are two radical advocacy groups that have been striving mightily during the past few years to shift Orange County local governments -...
Irvine: New Conflict of Interest Law Will Force Council Candidate Ayn Craciun Off City Commission
Ayn Craciun, a paid "climate action" lobbyist and candidate for Irvine City Council, will have to quit the city's Sustainability Commission - thanks to a...
Editorial: Are Politics Trumping Transparency In Santa Ana?
Forgive us for wondering if political considerations are influencing Santa Ana Police Department decisions when it comes to California Public Record Act requests. For more...
Opinion: Will O’Neill – Vote ‘NO” On Proposition 5
Do you want it to be easier to raise taxes in California? If yes, Sacramento has a proposition for you! Specifically, Proposition 5. If you...
Santa Ana: Councilmember Jessie Lopez Hit With $35,000 Court Judgment For Harassing, Stiffing Former Landlord
The Orange County Superior Court has ordered Councilmember Jessie Lopez to pay her former landlord $35,000 in response to a civil complaint as recompense for...
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The OC Independent is dedicated to providing factual, informative reporting on Orange County government, politics, education and quality of life issues such as homelessness and access to housing. We seek to illuminate aspects of issues, movements and trends that receive little or no attention from more established, mainstream outlets. Our editorial philosophy is grounded in the principles of the American Founding: limited government, federalism, the separation of powers and equality before the law as indispensable to securing our liberties. The opinions and stances articulated in OC Independent editorials flow from those principles, and are grounded in facts.