St. Joseph Hospital Receives Anonymous $53 Million Donation

By:OCI Staff

St. Joseph Hospital in Orange has received a record-setting $53 million estate gift from an Orange County couple who have requested to remain anonymous. As a result of their substantial donation, the gift will create an endowment fund to support the greatest needs of St. Joseph Hospital for years to come.

The notable gift—the second largest in Providence history and the largest in Southern California history—is a direct result of the excellent and compassionate care the donors received at Providence St. Joseph Hospital. The impact of those experiences coupled with the dedicated service and sacrifice of Providence St. Joseph caregivers and physicians throughout the COVID-19 pandemic inspired the donors to make this unexpected commitment.

“We hope that this investment in the future of St. Joseph Hospital will be a significant source of inspiration and pride and reinforces the value our community sees in the lifesaving care provided at our hospital each and every day,” says Jeremy Zoch, Chief Executive of Providence St. Joseph Hospital.

The endowment will generate an ongoing source of flexible capital, which will allow the hospital to direct funds to service lines and areas of highest community need.

“We’re blessed to have such charitable benefactors living in our community,” said Amy Daugherty, Chief Philanthropy Officer of Providence St. Joseph Hospital. “These donors should take great pride in knowing that this contribution will touch tens of thousands of lives for the foreseeable future.”  

This substantial donation will ensure an endowment fund that will benefit the hospital and its caregivers and providers for years to come.

“The donors’ purpose in making this transformational gift is to express their gratitude and to provide the resources to ensure the community will continue to receive the highest levels of health care at St. Joseph Hospital far into the future,” said Phil Barker, Regional Executive Director Estate and Gift Planning.

St. Joseph Hospital is one of 52 hospitals within Providence health system, the third largest not-for-profit health system in the United States.


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