Newsom Vetoes Quirk-Silva Bill To Exempt Homeless From Paying Vehicle License Fees

By:Matthew Cunningham

Governor Gavin Newsom has vetoed a bill by Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-Fullerton) to exempt homeless people who live in their vehicles from paying California’s annual Vehicle License Fee. Under Quirk-Silva’s legislation, gainfully employed, self-supporting Californians would have to continue paying the car tax, which is among the highest in the nation.

Under Quirk-Silva, in order qualify for an exemption from paying the VLF, a person would need someone from a designated list of occupations – including any licensed attorney – to attest they are homeless and living in their vehicle.

The VLF costs the average Californian between $208 and $358 for each car, making the California one of the most expensive states to register a car.


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