Dozens of Service Dogs Practice Riding OC Buses During OCTA’s Service Animal Training Day

By:OCI Staff

More than 155 dogs and their trainers took advantage of OCTA’s semi-annual Service Animal Training in Anaheim on Saturday, Oct. 7. The day allows dogs training to serve people with special needs practice with distractions and loud noises – yelling, pops, screeches – everything they could encounter on the streets of Orange County and wherever they travel.

Trainers came to the Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC) by car and train from all over Orange County and surrounding counties to ride OC Buses, dispatched every 20 minutes, to stops at GardenWalk shopping center and Downtown Disney.

Participants from organizations such as The Guide Dogs for the Blind and Canine Companions routinely participate in the training – both for puppy practice and for building stronger human relationships.

OCTA has been holding the training for more than a decade, usually about every six months. The day of practice for service dogs was put on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic but resumed last year. The next training has yet to be scheduled but will likely take place in spring 2024.

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