Fullerton City Council Approves Second Phase Of Union Pacific Trail Plan

By:OCI Staff

In a unanimous decision during its meeting on January 16, 2024, the Fullerton City Council voted 5-0 to greenlight an updated concept for the Union Pacific Trail Phase Two project. This approval marks a significant stride in the city’s dedication to sustainable development and the enhancement of recreational infrastructure.

The revised concept plan for the Union Pacific Trail Phase Two aligns seamlessly with the proposed Rail District Specific Plan (RDSP), focusing on transit-oriented development south of the tracks. The vision involves the transformation of the former Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way into the Union Pacific Trail and Bike Path, establishing vital connections among various neighborhoods.

Key elements of the updated concept plan include reserving approximately ten feet on both the north and south sides of the project between Highland and Richman Avenue. This reserved space is designated for the future redevelopment of adjacent properties, with private developers tasked to enhance these areas over time, at zero cost to the City.

The enhancement of the 30-foot right-of-way (ROW) between Highland and Richman Avenue incorporates a Class I bike lane, a dedicated pedestrian walkway, lighting infrastructure, and landscaping. The landscaping plan encompasses the planting of at least 176 new trees, contributing to environmental sustainability.

Mayor Nicholas Dunlap expressed his support for the updated plan, stating, “This concept plan represents a holistic approach to community development, aligning with our vision for a sustainable and connected city for bicyclists, pedestrians, and families. The approval showcases our commitment to a well-thought-out development that not only provides recreational amenities but also contributes to the long-term growth of our community.”

By reserving spaces for future redevelopment and planning initiatives, the Union Pacific Trail Phase Two project transcends its role as a mere recreational trail, emerging as a catalyst for comprehensive community development. The strategic allocation of areas for private development aims to create a harmonious fusion of green spaces and transit-oriented development in Fullerton.


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