SAUSD Ethnic Studies Consultant Shares Social Media Post Lauding October 7 Hamas Massacre

By:OC Independent Editorial

The radical Ethnic Studies activist whom the Santa Ana Unified School District has been paying to train district educators last year shared a social media post of another far-Left academic praising the October 7 Hamas massacre of 1,200 innocent civilians – – woman, children, old people – just a few weeks after the surprise murder spree.

Xito Institute co-founder and rabidly anti-Israel activist Sean Arce shared this video on his account last November:

The video shows Hamas terrorists breaching an Israeli security fence as part of the savage October 7 attack while radical Canadian “academic” Leanne Betasamosake Simpson shares how the Hamas attack made her “dream bigger” about finding a way over “the walls that colonialism sts up.”

To b clear, Simpson is talking about the carefully planned attack in which Hamas terrorists murdered Israeli families in their homes, used rape as a systematic terror tactic, massacred attendees at an outdoor music festival. They took 251 hostages they hoped to use as bargaining chips to forestall or slow the Israeli retaliation they knew their murder spree would provoke.

Arce is co-founder of Xito – the Xicanx Institute for Teaching and Organizing – a radical Ethnic Studies organization the Santa Ana Unified School District has been paying to train in district teachers its overtly political brand of Ethnic Studies. Arce and Xito were also hired to help the district develop it’s “liberated” Ethnic Studies curriculum – whose extreme and biased content goes far beyond even the state’s Critical Race Theory infused model curriculum.

The video that Arce shares is an excerpt from an interview with Simpson, in which Hamas terrorists can be seen tearing down a security barrier. Several weeks after the attack, Simpson is still rapturous in her cocooned, abstract, ideological way:

“So, watching what happened on October 7th, again, was an education. When I saw breaking through that wall in Gaza and feeling those first few seconds of…of freedom and what was possible, because I think I didn’t imagine that was possible. And that was a teaching to myself to dream bigger and to find a way over all of those walls that colonialism sets up.”

Simpson is not aghast. She’s not horrified. She has oceans of empathy and sympathy for Palestinians, none for the 1,200 innocents whom Hamas thugs murdered – up close and personal, in deliberately cruel and grisly ways. She literally gives them no thought.

It is clear to any reasonable person who reviews Arce’s social media that he is in agreement with Simpson’s views. His social media streams are replete with posts supportive of Palestinian “resistance” and denunciations of Israel and “racist Zionists.”

When Arc disagrees with the content of a shared post, he makes his feelings very clear:

It is fair to conclude Arce shared Simpson’s comments about October 7 because he shares her endorsement of the October 7 attack. Indeed, it would be unreasonable to conclude otherwise.

In the full video of the interview – conducted by Nick Estes, a radical, pro-Hamas academic who uses his tenured post to call for the abolition of America – Simpson thinks the Hamas attack illuminates a course of action for ‘indigenous people” in the United States and Canada. She tells Estes:

Sean Arce

“Israel settler colonialism in Israel is often predictive of what will happen here when you mobilize to protect your land and your rights. And so I think that this is a really, really important moment for indigenous people to be paying attention to, to be learning from.”

Chillingly, it doesn’t take much to image what Simpson thinks those lessons are, given her exhilaration over the October 7th attacks.

Which brings us back to why the SAUSD Board of Education – and that is who is driving this thing – would hire a radical like who so obviously endorse the use of organized political violence in the pursuit of political goals? Why are Arce and Xito being charged with training SAUSD teachers?

It’s not as though devotion to violent Palestinian “resistance” and hatred of Israel are side hobbies for Arce – or indeed, for certain SAUSD educators who are central actors creating the Ethnic Studies curriculum over which the district is now being sued.

It is central to their mission. Xito and the aforementioned SAUSD leaders and educators are determined to give their anti-Israel – and frankly, anti-Semitic – ideology a place of prominence in the district’s curriculum.

SAUSD leadership knows all about Sean Arce and Xito. They owe their constituents and taxpayers an explanation for why they have placed teacher training in the hands of fringe ideologues.


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