September 6 Twilight Fitness Hike In Limestone Canyon

By:Matthew Cunningham

Limestone Canyon is a natural treasure in Orange County’s backyard. Discover it for yourself this Friday afternoon, September 6, on a fast-paced 5.5-mile fitness hike. The hike will be a great introduction to fitness, cardio-style hikes as well as OC Parks’ magnificent Irvine Ranch Open Space. Views of Limestone Canyon and the surrounding wilderness from Limestone Ridge will be the highlight of our tour.

Please bring a minimum of 48 oz. water. Come prepared with a pack, sturdy closed-toe hiking shoes or boots, sunscreen, first aid and all other supplies to keep you safe and healthy on the trail for this hike in a wilderness area. Each participant must carry his or her own pack and water. Under-prepared participants may be denied access to this program.

This hike is considered Level 4 on the 1-through-5 Difficulty Ratings.

Pre-registration is required, as is a signed liability waiver.


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