Will O’Neill: Newsom Is Gaslighting Us On Oil Prices

By:Will O'Neill

Philosophy asks: “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

Sacramento is currently asking: “If the Governor calls a special session, but the legislature doesn’t care, are they in a special session?”

To help answer, here’s quick background. Newsom continues to gaslight Californians by claiming that it’s oil companies’ faults that we continue to have the highest gas prices in the country (yes, still ahead of Hawaii).

As I’ve written about extensively, it’s obviously Sacramento’s fault. We have the highest gas tax (which went up again this year to 60 cents/gallon) plus 12 more cents/gallon for its state-specific fuel standard, another 26 cents/gallon for cap-and-trade, another 10 cents/gallon on state and local sales tax, and another 2 cents/gallon for state underground storage tax.

Instead of looking in the mirror, Newsom hired an “oil czar” (technically called the “director of the Division of Petroleum Market Oversight”) who has noted that CA’s prohibitive regulatory environment has forced down market competition until only four refineries exist.

Newsom, though, won’t take that answer. So he demanded that legislators pass a law requiring refineries keep more in reserves. Of course, forcing more regulations requiring more infrastructure and more storage would cost more. Which means (say it with me) gas prices would increase.

While a couple of legislators did carry Newsom’s water, legislative leaders gave him a stiff arm by not bringing the bills forward before the end of session on Saturday.

So Newsom threw a Governor’s temper tantrum and called a “special session” to force the legislature to take up his gaslighting. The Assembly started the special session and ended it after about ten minutes.

The Senate has simply refused to meet.

Look, substantively, Newsom’s demands are foolish. But that’s not new.

What is new is that the legislature has just refused to jump when Newsom demanded it, and that’s a big deal It’s also the natural result of Newsom’s failed Presidential aspirations and massive national flameout.

All I can say is: finally.

Will O’Neill is the mayor of Newport Beach.


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