OCTA Giving Free Bus Rides For Earth Day

Photo: George Vasquez
Photo: George Vasquez
By:OCI Staff

The Orange County Transportation Authority is providing free rides on its bus system on Saturday, April 22 to commemorate Earth Day.

The OCTA has built a fleet of clean-fuel buses, including compressed natural gas and zero-emission hydrogen fuel-cell electric and plug-in battery electric buses.

OCTA’s commitment to environmental sustainability and stewardship goes beyond Earth Day and is prioritized in OCTA’s Board and CEO Initiatives. OCTA utilizes funding from Measure M, the county’s half-cent sales tax for transportation improvements, to protect Orange County’s natural resources through environmental mitigation and cleanup programs.

OCTA has set a goal of 100% zero-emission for its bus fleet by 2040. OCTA introduced 10 hydrogen fuel-cell electric buses into its regular fleet in 2020 and has begun testing plug-in battery electric buses. The pilot programs are helping the agency determine which technology, or mix of technologies, will perform best on Orange County streets.

Those looking to travel across Orange County and beyond on Earth Day can also take advantage of free rides being offered by Metrolink on all Metrolink and Arrow trains. Riders can use the promotional code “EarthDay2023” to redeem their free rides on Earth Day at Metrolink station ticket machines.

Free bus rides on April 22 apply to any fixed route OC Bus and no ticket is necessary to travel.


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