October 10: Jewish Federation of Orange County Holding Community Gathering for Israel Tonight

By:OCI Staff

The  Jewish Federation of Orange County will host a community gathering for Israel, Today on October 10th at 6:00 PM. The event is open to all community members.

Earlier this week Israel suffered an unprecedented terrorist attack by Hamas. Federation’s board, membership, and staff are horrified and heartbroken by the loss of life and injuries that have resulted thus far, and are likely to worsen. The Orange County federation are joined by elected officials and community and religious leaders in their solidarity with the people of Israel and their right to defend themselves against these heinous attacks.

WHO              Jewish Federation of Orange County 

                        Senator Alex Padilla, D-CA

                        Representative Katie Porter, D-CA

                        Assemblymember Cottie Petrie-Norris, California, District 73

                        Senator Josh Newman, California, District 29   

                        Chief Michael Kent, Irvine Police Department

WHAT            Community gathering to show support for and stand in solidarity with the people of Israel.

WHEN           October 10th, 6:00 PM

WHERE         1 Federation Way, Irvine, CA 92603


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