Chat With Living Historian About Civil War-Era Cannon At Irvine Regional Park on Dec. 17

By:OCI Staff

Come chat with a Civil War living historian at the cannon in Irvine Regional Park! The volunteer will share the history of the 1853 Howitzer cannon and how it came to be at its current location. Hear recounts of other historical elements found in and around Irvine Regional Park’s long history as well as the Civil War.

This unique learning opportunity takes place on December 17 from 11:30 a.m. o 3:00 p.m.

The volunteer may take periodic breaks. Check with the Nature Center on future Civil War reenactor visits! Inclement weather may cancel.

You can find the Civil War living historian located at the cannon and Spanish-American War Veterans monument at the lake, near the snack stand and boat house, between Parking Lots U and T.

For further questions, please contact Resource Specialist Kelley Brugmann at [email protected] and 714-973-6625.


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