Will O’Neill: Deceptive Campaign Waged By Jeff Herdman In Newport Beach Council Race

By:Will O'Neill

We’ve got some deception going on in a Newport Beach city council race right now.

My colleague, Noah Blom, is running against my former colleague, Jeff Herdman. I’ve endorsed Noah and Jeff knows it. But Jeff has used my photo in his first piece of mail to Newport Beach voters and then used my name in a follow-up mail piece.

So, let me set the record straight.

I have not and would not support Herdman for city council. I served four years on the city council with him. During that time, he forwarded confidential litigation information to a lawyer suing the city. Every one of his colleagues on the city council issued a public statement condemning him for releasing separate confidential information. He swore at residents in email and in person. I didn’t support his re-election in 2020 and don’t in 2024.

Using a photo of me in his first mailer was deceptive. So I called him out publicly in letters to the editor in local publications. I figured that was the end of needing to deal with him.

Until this week. When he sent out a mailer specifically tying himself to me and starting a sentence in bold font: “I agree with Mayor O’Neill….”

Look, I understand why he’s doing it. Despite claiming not to want my endorsement, he wants to use the good will that I have in this community for his benefit.

I won’t allow it.

In fact, I’m now more focused on his race, which caused me to look into who is financially backing him.


On just one day, October 2, he received sixteen max-out $1,400 checks. Fourteen of them came from outside Newport Beach. Donors like “Vincent Contractors” in Anaheim, “Silverwood Landscape Construction” in Santa Ana, “LDI Mechanical” from Corona, “Hi-Tech Gypsum” in La Habra, and many more from places like Claremont, Rancho Cucamonga, and Gardena.

Oh, and those texts/mailers from “Homeowner Tax Protection Coalition” going out against Noah? It’s a PAC set up in San Bernardino County.

I’m done with this deception. When you vote, I hope you are too.


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