The campaign to recall left-wing Santa Ana Councilwoman Jessie Lopez today turned approximately 6,600 voter signatures into the City Clerk. 5,274 of those must be valid to qualify the recall for the ballot.
Lopez was narrowly elected to the city council in 2020 from Ward 3, after more moderate candidates split the vote in the more centrist ward. Her ideologically-Left politics are viewed by many as being out-of-step with most Ward 3 residents.
Lopez, who lists no income or employer on her most recent financial disclosure forms, formed part of a new left-wing council majority that is ideologically hostile to law enforcement and voted to impose the most draconian rent control law in the state.
The recall petition lists several reasons for ousting Lopez, including her support for cutting police funding and higher taxes, a counter-productive rent control law, and embarrassing “the City and displayed disregard for private property rights when she refused to vacate a rental property after being evicted for nonpayment of rent.”
Councilwoman Thai Phan is also subject to a recall campaign, although it is still in the signature gathering process. The deadline for turning in signatures is August 4.
”This is our democracy in action, “said recall chairman Tim Rush. “Going door to door, we heard a lot of voter disappointment in Ms. Lopez’s performance and priorities.”
“That dissatisfaction is why we were successful in gathering so many signatures in such a short period of time, even as Lopez and her special interest allies waged an aggressive campaign to discourage people from signing the recall petition,” said Rush.
“We still have a lot of work ahead of us,” said Rush.
OC Independent has reached out to Lopez for comment.
Lopez and Phan have lashed out at the recall, claiming they are being targeted because of their sex and ethnicity.
READ: Santa Ana: Councilmembers Lopez, Phan Play Gender, Race Cards In Attacking Recall Campaign
The principal backer of the recall campaign is the Santa Ana Police Officers Association, which has spent $100,000 on qualifying it.
Lopez is being backed by a coalition of left-wing pressure groups and interests like the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 324. The UFCW is a major supporter of expanding legalized cannabis shops, which they see as an opportunity for increasing dues revenues by unionizing their employees. Her anti-recall campaign is being run by Cooperative Campaigns, a collection of left-wing political professionals, and her campaign has been mailing to voters and canvassing neighborhoods.
Lopez has also benefitted from an independent anti-recall campaign being funded by South Cord Management LLC, whose principal, Elliott Lewis, owns Catalyst Cannabis, a major marijuana business with a major presence in Santa Ana. Lewis is paying for canvassers going door-to-door urging voters not to sign the Lopez recall petition or to rescind their signature if they’ve already signed. A search by OC Independent failed to turn up any campaign finance disclosures failed by South Cord Management.

Catalyst is applying for favorable tax treatment under Santa Ana cannabis regulations formulated by the UFCW.
Catalyst-paid canvassers haven’t necessarily been welcome in Santa Ana neighborhoods:

Once the city clerk deems the minimum number of signatures have been submitted, they will be sent to the OC Registrar of Voters, who will have 30 days to verify the signatures. If there are enough valid signatures, the ROV will verify it and forward to the City Council to schedule the election.
If the council receives the certification before September 1, the recall will be a stand-alone special election. Otherwise, it will be consolidated with the March 2024 presidential primary.