Help OC Water District Name Two Bald Eagles That Call Prado Wetlands Home

By:OCI Staff

Th Orange County Water District is asking the public to participate in a naming contest for a pair of Bald Eagles that call the Prado Wetlands their home.

The Prado Wetlands are owned by the OCWD and play a pivotal role in protecting and increasing Orange County’s water supply. It is also home to several rare and endangered birds and waterfowl species, including bald eagles.

OCWD biologists have observed and tracked the pair of Prado bald eagles for years and have watched them thrive, and the district is now turning to the public to choose from three pairs of names:

  • George and Martha
  • Lucy and Ricky
  • Fred and Wilma
People can cast their votes on the district’s social media accounts on Twitter/X, Facebook and Instagram. The naming contest runs through April 19.

For more than 90 years, the Orange County Water District has sustainably managed and protected the Orange County Groundwater Basin underlying the north and central portions of the county. The District manages its water supply in an environmentally responsible manner through removal of nonnative invasive species, habitat restoration and wildlife management.

Photos courtesy of the OC Water District


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