O’Neill: Our Kids Don’t Belong To Gavin Newsom

By:Will O'Neill

Recently-introduced AB1955 will codify Sacramento’s preference for having school officials conceal information from parents.

Specifically, Chino Valley Unified School District has passed a parent notification policy requiring school officials to notify a child’s parent(s) or guardian(s) in writing within three days of a student requesting to change any information contained in the student’s official or unofficial records. School officials must also provide written notice of any suicidal intentions or bullying incidents.

Chino’s policy is premised on long-standing U.S. Supreme Court decisions recognizing that a “custodial parent has a constitution right to determine, without undue interference by the state, how best to raise, nurture, and educate the child.” And also that notification policies maintain trust between parents and schools.

All of which makes sense. Our kids do not belong to Gavin Newsom or Rob Bonta, and parents should know when their kids are requesting life-altering changes. But don’t tell them that because Bonta believes that if a minor wants to change their name or gender or any other official documentation, then the schools shouldn’t notify the parents and instead keep the request secret; even up to lying to the parents if need be.

AB1955 would codify Bonta’s worldview that these notification policies are “forced outings.” The legislation’s author, Chris Ward, tweeted out yesterday that the act will “leav[e] conversations about gender and sexuality at home where they belong.” But that’s the opposite of what will happen.
Remember, these notifications only occur if a minor requests changes to school records. And if that happens, Ward’s AB1955 would prohibit the school from telling parents. Which means that Ward’s legislation ensures that those conversations will ONLY happen at school and NOT at home.

This bill sews confusion and mistrust. Ward now places the onus on teachers to determine whether gender dysphoria rises to the level of mandatory reporting, and places schools between parents and children.

Please contact your local legislator to oppose AB1955.


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