O’Neill: Democrat Legislators Vote To Protect Illegal Alien Fentanyl Dealers, Child Predators From Deportation

By:Will O'Neill

I wrote recently about our Orange County Sheriff’s approach to publicly announcing when people illegally in the country would be released from the Orange County jails. There has been consternation from the far left over that practice, claiming that it violates (at least in spirit) CA’s sanctuary state policies that have been supported by at least two of our Orange County Board of Supervisors.

The issue of sanctuary policies have been in the news due to high profile crimes committed by people in the U.S. illegally. Even impeached Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas testified before Congress this year that “when an individual poses a threat to public safety or national security, their local or state jurisdiction should co-operate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement for the swift detention and removal of that individual.”

I agree. And I’ll bet that you do too. But you know who doesn’t? Sacramento legislators.

Will O’Neill

They are so committed to blocking cooperation with federal immigration authorities that they have taken truly extreme positions that protect some of the worst offenders.

Take, for example, illegal aliens who are convicted of felony fentanyl charges. Would we ever accept these people into our country legally? Of course not. So why protect them when they come here illegally?

Assembly Member Kate Sanchez (R-Temecula) put that question forward when she introduced AB 2209 this session. On a party-line vote, five Democrats voted to protect death dealers and cartel members from deportation. The measure died in committee.

What about people who have “been convicted of a crime of sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of a minor?” Assembly Member Bill Essayli (R-Riverside) has introduced AB 2641 to ask that question too.

These aren’t hypothetical situations, but are instead Sacramento’s continuing and perpetual pro-criminal policies. (Did you know that buying a child for sex in CA is currently only a misdemeanor?)

Reach out to your local assembly member today and ask whether they support Essayli’s bill to help deport convicted child sex predators. And let me know what they say.

Will O’Neill is a member of the Newport Beach City Council.
