The possible redevelopment of Westridge Golf Course in La Habra, near Beach Boulevard and Imperial Highway, has been an ongoing controversy for many years. As golf has declined nationally over the last few decades, the property owners have often looked at redeveloping the property into housing. Such is the case with La Habra’s Westridge Golf Course. The owners have contracted with Lennar Homes to design and build housing on the property to replace golf, subject to receiving the necessary zone changes from the city.
Back in 2020, the La Habra City Council considered a proposal from Lennar Homes to build 448 homes called “Rancho La Habra”. As part of the development, Lennar offered an amenity and benefit package that included:
- 16-acre park
- 4.2-mile trail system
- Converting the club house into a new community center
- 80 total acres of open space
- $1.5 million cash to be used at the city’s discretion
- $1 million contribution to the city’s affordable housing fund
The total benefit package at the time was about $40 million to the city, with other fees going to the schools. The La Habra City Council rejected this proposal.

Fast forward to January 2023 when Lennar Homes submitted a new proposal to build at Westridge golf course. The new proposal has 534 homes being proposed. The breakdown is 62 duplexes, 80 townhomes, 110 “affordable” apartments, and 282 single family homes. This proposal was submitted under the state’s famed “builder remedy” law, which gives certainty to the builder that the project will come to fruition. The City Council has very limited options to deny the project. The city of La Cañada Flintridge learned the hard way when they attempted to deny a builder remedy project. The developer challenged their denial in court and won.

It appears La Habra is proceeding with processing the new proposal from Lennar. A scoping meeting is scheduled for November 7, 2024, at 6pm at city hall. In a remarkable coincidence, many in the public may be learning for the first time that the golf course in town is going away and being replaced with 534 homes, including 110 low-income apartments…2 days after the election.